There’s a widely held preconception that people who are out of work are overweight, perpetuated by the media and, indeed, reinforced by some academic studies. But recent robust evidence throws a whole new light on things and indicates that unemployed people are in fact much more likely to be underweight, and less likely to be…
Tag: Recession
Out of work again? The psychological impacts of repeated unemployment
Being unemployed is bad for our mental well-being, but if we lose our job more than once does the psychological blow lessen in some way? Researchers Cara Booker from the University of Essex and Amanda Sacker at the International Centre for Lifecourse Studies at UCL used the long-running British Household Panel Survey to examine the…
Can unemployment kill – Podcast
Our first blog showcased recent research from the team at ESRC International Centre for Lifecourse Studies about the links between long term unemployment and stress markers linked to killer diseases. If you were interested in that, you can also listen on Soundcloud to researcher Amanda Hughes discussing the research for the ICLS Podcast.
Can unemployment kill?
At the height of the recent recession around 2.7 million people were unemployed, and youth unemployment accounted for nearly 40 per cent of that total. Given growing evidence that unemployment is linked to long term illness and increased mortality, we can expect health implications for those affected. In a week when unemployment rose for the first time in over a…